We are huge enthusiasts for the models and toys we deal in, based on, quite literally, a lifetime of involvement with them...it's been said we never really 'grew up'!
Anything in miniature interests, trains, planes and automobiles..and not forgetting boats, bikes and ships too! Having had great fun in the 1970's and 80's with radio control, the true fascination with scale models and toys took over and the beginning of railway modelling began... and looks to have no sign of stopping either.
Involved in the hobby for all that time and then becoming TW Models as an enterprise was a very easy step to make after a solid 20 years in experience in the toy and model trade at all levels...on both sides of the counter.
We are a small family, based on the south coast of England looking to give you the best of advice, the best of service and the assurance you get from a modeler.. to a modeler